An API for AMT data
Dec 14th, 2011
The AMT released their GTFS schedule information to the public earlier this week, which is awesome. Not coincidentally, Montreal is going to have a Transportation Camp tomorrow, wherein people will hack on transportation software and discuss open data issues.
GTFS information is useful and standard, but in its raw form it can be a bit difficult to wrangle with. So in advance of the event, I thought it might be helpful/useful to put a simple JSON API to the data, based on my routez software. Should be useful for creating an app or two! There’s two endpoints that are currently defined:
/api/v1/stop/<stop code>/upcoming_stoptimes
This will give a set of upcoming departures at a particular AMT stop (represented by its code). Example:
/api/v1/place/<lat,lng>/upcoming_stoptimes?distance=<distance in meters>
This will give a set of AMT stops within range of that endpoint, along with upcoming departures. Example:,%20-73.57567/upcoming_stoptimes?distance=1000